
Once we have django-sudo installed and configured, we need to decide which views should be secured.


The meat of django-sudo comes from decorating your views with @sudo_required much in the same way that @login_required works.

Let’s pretend that we have a page on our site that has sensitive information that we want to make extra sure that a user is allowed to see it:

from sudo.decorators import sudo_required

@login_required  # Make sure they're at least logged in
@sudo_required  # On top of being logged in, are you in sudo mode?
def super_secret_stuff(request):
    return HttpResponse('your social security number')

That’s it! When a user visits this page and they don’t have the correct permission, they’ll be redirected to a page and prompted for their password. After entering their password, they’ll be redirected back to this page to continue on what they were trying to do.

class sudo.mixins.SudoMixin

SudoMixin provides an easy way to sudo a class-based view. Any view that inherits from this mixin is automatically wrapped by the @sudo_required decorator.

This works well with the LoginRequiredMixin from django-braces:

from django.views import generic
from braces.views import LoginRequiredMixin
from sudo.mixins import SudoMixin

class SuperSecretView(LoginRequiredMixin, SudoMixin, generic.TemplateView):
    template_name = 'secret/super-secret.html'

Returns a boolean to indicate if the current request is in sudo mode or not. This gets added on by the SudoMiddleware. This is an shortcut for calling has_sudo_privileges() directly.

class sudo.middleware.SudoMiddleware

By default, you just need to add this into your MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES list.

has_sudo_privileges(self, request)

Subclass and override has_sudo_privileges() if you’d like to override the default behavior of request.is_sudo().

process_request(self, request)

Adds is_sudo() to the request.

process_response(self, request, response)

Controls the behavior of setting and deleting the sudo cookie for the browser.

sudo.utils.grant_sudo_privileges(request, max_age=SUDO_COOKIE_AGE)

Assigns a random token to the user’s session that allows them to have elevated permissions.

from sudo.utils import grant_sudo_privileges
token = grant_sudo_privileges(request)

Revoke sudo privileges from a request explicitly

from sudo.utils import revoke_sudo_privileges

Check if a request is allowed to perform sudo actions.

from sudo.utils import has_sudo_privileges
has_sudo = has_sudo_privileges(request)